Need something sPoOkY to do with the kids to get ready for Halloween? Look no further, Better Homes and Garden shares how to make this easy DIY lamp shade. All you need is a lamp shade, spiderweb-printed acetate, and spray adhesive. If you don’t have these things around the house, get creative and use a sharpie!

Directions here.

Make it into a whole activity and share this poem with the kids while you are making it!

Spider Webs

The spider weaves a sticky web
To capture bugs to eat.
What keeps the spider’s sticky web
From sticking to her feet?

Spider webs are very tricky
Because not all the strands are sticky.
Unlike the passing hapless fly,
The spider knows which strands are dry.

But if she accidentally stands
Upon one of the sticky strands,
She still would not get stuck, you see–
Her oily body slides off free.

-Amy Goldman Koss